Hello! It's been a while... However I have been crazy busy in Raleigh, NC. Working two part-time jobs to make sure I don't starve and getting my butt in gear for doing some consulting work. As I come to realize my slow progress in businss, I started to do some research on how to fix it. Taking a look at articles and books about management and business ownership there are a few things that I have learned. Entrepreneurs do one thing at a time and only focuses on that one thing. I have been letting myself get so overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done that I never got anything done! UGH.... Moving on.
More on the Japanese... There is a certain mindset in Japan that I adore. A few actually. Let's break them down.
The can-do attitude until you drop:
The Japanese are always working with enthusiasm and energy. Bonsai! We can do it! They also seem to have this drive for success in business and shows gratitude for everything that they are blessed with. With this energetic work ethic, it really gets things done. However, some people in the Western world would find this kinda crazy when quite a few people work themselves to exhaustion. To leave work absolutely tired, you earn a great respect from your coworkers and peers. Some people should take caution with this because there are some deaths reported from being literally worked to death! As respectable this work ethic is, one should always make sure that you take good care of your body and get some rest!
Business Cards:
Instead of shoving the card in a pocket the moment they get it. Japanese business men and women will carefully except your business card in both hands, read out the information clearly and keep the card out while speaking to you. They know that you are a potential important contact and treat you with the utmost respect. If Americans could adopt this ritual to some extent then I believe businesses would be able to operate well on an interpersonal level.
As I immerse myself more in learning about Japan, the more I want to mold myself into the culture. I think we can all benefit from Japan's etiquette if we can adopt just a few customs.
Thank you for reading my thoughts on Japanese business culture! Please take a look at my I love you Japan Facebook Page for Japanese findings!