Holding a stupid damn piece of paper up with your whiny, hypocritical bullshit isn't going to solve anything.
You think the 1% gives a flying piece of crap about you? They don't care. They never did and they never will. All they need is to keep everyone else consuming. Consuming like roaches and fungus just to keep their big fat wallets even fatter. After poking around in the dark, these people realize that the 99% are getting angry, they are getting pissed off. We all know what they are up to and we are starting to speak out. But it's too late. The shitty politicians we are forced to choose between are no better than any of the scumbags that line their pockets with dirty money. Your money. Taxes, pensions, health care, social security. It's all stolen from us and we will never get it back. Life sucks here, but thank God it's short. There is only just so little things we can do.
Shut up, move on, find another way. No one forced you to go to college, no one forced you to have kids that you can't afford, no one forced you to buy a television and fill your head full of useless crap... No one forced you to buy a bunch of shit all in the name of Jesus's freakin birthday that no one needs and certainly no one forced you to acculmate a load of crap in your house. MP3 players, DVD's, Blu Ray, Cable, mini fridges, xboxes, ps3s, wiis, computers, children's toys (they don't need 5 million toys), adult toys, movie tickets, junk food, restaurants, alcohol, drugs, the latest cell phones, electronic devices that can give blow jobs or something, pet fish (at least a dog can be put to work and a cat can keep vermin away, fish are absolutely meaningless). Adopt a minimalist lifestyle, buy locally, recycle, grow a garden, go to a local bank and/or credit union, turn off the television. Too much work? Too enclosed in your little comfortable bubble? Then don't complain...