Hey, everyone! Sorry about not blogging in a while. I recently have been undergoing some soul-searching after my recent graduation to find out where I want to be in life. Immediately following graduation I've experienced some depression. After an internet search, I've discovered that post-graduation is actually quite common and can last for a long time. I've made some plans and job searching but I found that I lacked a lot of motivation. My self-esteem and confidence decreased as well as my motivation to do much of anything productive.
I don't like to feel like this. Being bored and unmotivated just drove me nuts! And lying around while chuckling at lolCats wasn't going to get me anywhere. "NO MORE!" I said to myself in annoyance. I get annoyed quite easily and found out that I was annoying myself! So this week I've decided to buckle down and sort myself out. Set some goals and improve myself. Until recently I thought that maybe I just needed to date again but that's the last thing I needed! If I don't like who I am right now then how the hell could I expect someone else to like me? Operation Reinvention is now executed.
Setting Goals
This is the first time that I actually wrote down and started tracking myself on my goals. I found this wonderful free tool called Joe's goals. Joe had made himself a goal tracking tool with daily checks and it even sends you an email if you haven't been using the tool in a while (unless you edit it to not to). I recommend this to anyone who wants to keep track of their progress and stay on track. So with this said, I wrote my goals down in a separate document according to time and goal type. Here is an example:
5yrs: "To be semi-fluent in Japanese."
1yr: "To know at least 200 kanji characters"
6mth: "Know and memorize hiragana and katakana characters, 50 kanji and basic vocabulary for everyday items as well as basic conversational Japanese."
1mth: "Build up vocabulary and know Hiragana."
1wk: "Set up a morning routine to study Japanese."
Keep in mind that things could change and be adjusted. Nothing is written in stone. But having this written down in my Large Sticky Notes Gadgets for Win7 requires me to stare at it everyday and remind myself of it. The key here is to figure out your long term goal and break it up into smaller steps so you don't overwhelm yourself with such a big feet of effort and time. You should categorize your goals such like: Career, Artistic, Physical, Education, Financial, etc.
I must confess, even just getting started and writing these down gave me a sense of reassurance and confidence. I feel better all ready! If you find yourself feeling lost or in the dumps just keep in mind that you aren't going to get anywhere where if you sit around feeling sorry for yourself or just lack the knowledge to get started. Research! Action! It all comes down to action! The material you read are tools and sources for means of actually getting up and doing something! I've known some individuals that want to do more in their life. They are smart, they read books and material and soak up righteous information but they lack the action it takes to be successful. GET UP!! DO IT NOW!! STOP MAKING EXCUSES!! JUST F@!#ING DO IT! Life is short, its not going to spoon feed you everything. It's up to you to make the change!