Wow, I have to say that a lot has happened in the past couple months. I broke up with my boyfriend about two months a go and finding my interests in places I never thought possible. I'm learning more and more about myself each day. I feel I can conquer the world. I am hopeful. I am grateful. I am scared, too, but I know that everything will be okay if I just take my time and handle my relationships with love and understanding. My last entry was depressing, I know. But I have learned something that is priceless to me.
The world is what you make it.
I have great friends, a caring family and a wonderful new outlook on life. I can't wait to travel the world after graduation and learn new things that I have been blind to before in my own selfish pessimism. I've decided that an optimistic opportunist lifestyle suits my needs at this time. New friendships are in my sight. New employment. New love.
The world is amazing and I am happy.