Hello! It's been a while... However I have been crazy busy in Raleigh, NC. Working two part-time jobs to make sure I don't starve and getting my butt in gear for doing some consulting work. As I come to realize my slow progress in businss, I started to do some research on how to fix it. Taking a look at articles and books about management and business ownership there are a few things that I have learned. Entrepreneurs do one thing at a time and only focuses on that one thing. I have been letting myself get so overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done that I never got anything done! UGH.... Moving on.
More on the Japanese... There is a certain mindset in Japan that I adore. A few actually. Let's break them down.
The can-do attitude until you drop:
The Japanese are always working with enthusiasm and energy. Bonsai! We can do it! They also seem to have this drive for success in business and shows gratitude for everything that they are blessed with. With this energetic work ethic, it really gets things done. However, some people in the Western world would find this kinda crazy when quite a few people work themselves to exhaustion. To leave work absolutely tired, you earn a great respect from your coworkers and peers. Some people should take caution with this because there are some deaths reported from being literally worked to death! As respectable this work ethic is, one should always make sure that you take good care of your body and get some rest!
Business Cards:
Instead of shoving the card in a pocket the moment they get it. Japanese business men and women will carefully except your business card in both hands, read out the information clearly and keep the card out while speaking to you. They know that you are a potential important contact and treat you with the utmost respect. If Americans could adopt this ritual to some extent then I believe businesses would be able to operate well on an interpersonal level.
As I immerse myself more in learning about Japan, the more I want to mold myself into the culture. I think we can all benefit from Japan's etiquette if we can adopt just a few customs.
Thank you for reading my thoughts on Japanese business culture! Please take a look at my I love you Japan Facebook Page for Japanese findings!
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Friday, November 30, 2012
Update and other Ramblings
Whoa! A whole year has past since my last update! Things have been pretty busy around here. But now I have an unlimited amount of time until January 9th. At last, let me explain. After graduation from my game design school, I had to find some other outlet to make money since the game industry in Arizona practically sucks... Anywho, I attempted to go back to school for management to give me a better chance in getting a job... wrong! Business school is just a waste of time as game design school. Businesses promote people in house into management and I was stuck in a caregiving agency with no hope for advancement... fast forward. I moved to a small town with my family and not a few months later my car practically blew up so I could no longer travel to the city for work. Sold my car and bought a plane ticket to Raleigh, North Carolina where my brother has been so awesome to let me stay with him.
I'm getting the hell out of Arizona!
Raleigh has way more opportunity for me in what I am looking for. And I have a drive to work on launching my own business soon. When all goes well, I will write a great blog on how I did it and let you all know how to make some good money. I have discovered a fantastic website that will help fund the start of my business for FREE.
That's right, you heard me... for free. I will enlighten you on the details as soon as I get the ball rolling and share the wealth with you on how to make your dreams come true. My stars are aligning, the universe is sending good things my way and I am so grateful for all that has come to past and then some. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! :)
I'm getting the hell out of Arizona!
Raleigh has way more opportunity for me in what I am looking for. And I have a drive to work on launching my own business soon. When all goes well, I will write a great blog on how I did it and let you all know how to make some good money. I have discovered a fantastic website that will help fund the start of my business for FREE.
That's right, you heard me... for free. I will enlighten you on the details as soon as I get the ball rolling and share the wealth with you on how to make your dreams come true. My stars are aligning, the universe is sending good things my way and I am so grateful for all that has come to past and then some. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more! :)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The 1% vs the other 99% RAGE
Alright, have you heard of this crap? South Park did a whole episode on it. It is said that most of the world's money is keep getting sucked up by the richest 1% of the population which causes a lot of economic issues for the rest of the world (or 99%). A whole lot of people started writing spiels on a piece of paper about how horrible the system is treating them and take a picture of themselves holding it up.
I first off saying that I think this person is severely misinformed about Wal-Mart, Microsoft and Bias media controls everything. Not to mention that this hipster probably hangs out at Starbucks... With that thought aside, I like this idea if people just weren't so dumb going about it. They make excuses and blame the CEO's of major corporations for the shit they have to deal with every day. There are also some raging on how much debt they owe from their college loans. This has to stop people... please just put the paper down and sit for a second. Just sit down and think about your life for a second. You are the consumer. You demanded products, you shopped at Wal-mart, you watch the watered-down and fear spreading news channels along with Jersey Shore. You gave into the thousands of advertisements and beckoning of these so called evil corporations that do nothing but meet the demands of the public, your demands. You made the 1% along with your parents and grandparents. Let me tell you a secret...
Holding a stupid damn piece of paper up with your whiny, hypocritical bullshit isn't going to solve anything.
You think the 1% gives a flying piece of crap about you? They don't care. They never did and they never will. All they need is to keep everyone else consuming. Consuming like roaches and fungus just to keep their big fat wallets even fatter. After poking around in the dark, these people realize that the 99% are getting angry, they are getting pissed off. We all know what they are up to and we are starting to speak out. But it's too late. The shitty politicians we are forced to choose between are no better than any of the scumbags that line their pockets with dirty money. Your money. Taxes, pensions, health care, social security. It's all stolen from us and we will never get it back. Life sucks here, but thank God it's short. There is only just so little things we can do.
Shut up, move on, find another way. No one forced you to go to college, no one forced you to have kids that you can't afford, no one forced you to buy a television and fill your head full of useless crap... No one forced you to buy a bunch of shit all in the name of Jesus's freakin birthday that no one needs and certainly no one forced you to acculmate a load of crap in your house. MP3 players, DVD's, Blu Ray, Cable, mini fridges, xboxes, ps3s, wiis, computers, children's toys (they don't need 5 million toys), adult toys, movie tickets, junk food, restaurants, alcohol, drugs, the latest cell phones, electronic devices that can give blow jobs or something, pet fish (at least a dog can be put to work and a cat can keep vermin away, fish are absolutely meaningless). Adopt a minimalist lifestyle, buy locally, recycle, grow a garden, go to a local bank and/or credit union, turn off the television. Too much work? Too enclosed in your little comfortable bubble? Then don't complain...
Holding a stupid damn piece of paper up with your whiny, hypocritical bullshit isn't going to solve anything.
You think the 1% gives a flying piece of crap about you? They don't care. They never did and they never will. All they need is to keep everyone else consuming. Consuming like roaches and fungus just to keep their big fat wallets even fatter. After poking around in the dark, these people realize that the 99% are getting angry, they are getting pissed off. We all know what they are up to and we are starting to speak out. But it's too late. The shitty politicians we are forced to choose between are no better than any of the scumbags that line their pockets with dirty money. Your money. Taxes, pensions, health care, social security. It's all stolen from us and we will never get it back. Life sucks here, but thank God it's short. There is only just so little things we can do.
Shut up, move on, find another way. No one forced you to go to college, no one forced you to have kids that you can't afford, no one forced you to buy a television and fill your head full of useless crap... No one forced you to buy a bunch of shit all in the name of Jesus's freakin birthday that no one needs and certainly no one forced you to acculmate a load of crap in your house. MP3 players, DVD's, Blu Ray, Cable, mini fridges, xboxes, ps3s, wiis, computers, children's toys (they don't need 5 million toys), adult toys, movie tickets, junk food, restaurants, alcohol, drugs, the latest cell phones, electronic devices that can give blow jobs or something, pet fish (at least a dog can be put to work and a cat can keep vermin away, fish are absolutely meaningless). Adopt a minimalist lifestyle, buy locally, recycle, grow a garden, go to a local bank and/or credit union, turn off the television. Too much work? Too enclosed in your little comfortable bubble? Then don't complain...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Holy Shitake....
Okay so my drawing challenge pretty much failed... but I reframed from StumbleUpon and Facebook! WOO HOOO!!!! No worries though, I'm drawing a lot more often. You can visit my deviant art account at www.supakunoichi.deviantart.com if you like! Here is a character design I've recently made:

Some recent news in the works is that I've gotten a coloring and lettering gig for a comic book! YAY! I'm still looking for some freelance work so if anyone would like a design on something or whatever you can always contact me. I'd also like to point out that I will be developing a website soon for all my nerdy friends to help out in! Stay tuned for further progression in my works.
Thoughts of the day: Through persistent research and work, one can achieve something great. Everyone seems to know this, though tools for motivation and dedication can effect the production of our lives and the progress of our pursuits.

Some recent news in the works is that I've gotten a coloring and lettering gig for a comic book! YAY! I'm still looking for some freelance work so if anyone would like a design on something or whatever you can always contact me. I'd also like to point out that I will be developing a website soon for all my nerdy friends to help out in! Stay tuned for further progression in my works.
Thoughts of the day: Through persistent research and work, one can achieve something great. Everyone seems to know this, though tools for motivation and dedication can effect the production of our lives and the progress of our pursuits.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Drawing Challenge: Day 3
The World's Best Music (from my perspective)
Music of the World:
Have you ever fought with your friends and family with their different tastes in music? This band is the best or this singer is better? Perhaps or perhaps not. A lot of people usually stick with one genre of music that is usually only born in their language or country. However, I enjoy music from all over the world. Few people every venture off into new languages as far as music but they are so missing out! Each culture has a unique touch in their music and it is a pleasure to experience it first hand. Here are a few samples of the best music on earth.
Born and raised in roots of African American culture, these genres are by far a whole league of their own in style, rhythm and sound. I personally have a selection of favorites from this type of music.
Rap is a harsh, poetic revolution that allowed the Black people of America to have a voice of their own while suffering huge amounts of discrimination. It tells tales of suffering, survival and battling demons through the tough lives of many people in America. This genre has has not only supported those of African roots but everyone of any color embraced this genre. Eminem is a perfect example.
Although a lot of rap is about battles, partying and sex. I do find beautiful songs about raising awareness and sharing the love. This one is by the Black-eyed Peas.
Jazz and Blues are one of my favorite types of music to relax to. The melodies of a good saxophone puts me in a state of calm and soothes any troubles that the day brought.
This genre is one of my favorites. It's empowering and it gives me motivation to get through the day. But the best rock in the world isn't only from America. It's from Europe!
Britian: The Rolling Stones
This classic band is famous all over the world and I am proud to have them in my collection of tunes!
Britian: Dragonforce
Simply amazing guitar solos from Dragonforce. In fact, this is one of their shorter songs! They have amazing shreds of awesomeness that lasts beyond 10 minutes of music!
Germany: Rammstein
Deep, hard metal rock from Germany is absolutely exhilarating.
Ironically, a few decades ago techno was deemed as the nerd music, but today it is one of the most popular genres in the world. Take Lady Gaga for an example... She is probably America's Tehcno Queen as Michael Jackson was the King of Pop. But I don't think I can hand the best techno to Gaga... it just doesn't seem right.
Moldova/Romania: O-Zone
Sweden: Smile D.K.
Japan: Yuki Kimura
Alright! Here is a genre that took me some time to getting into. This music is from my favorite country, Japan. The awesomeness of this kind of music is almost too crazy to bare! Vocaloid is a type of music that uses completely electronically generated singing voices. It's hard to imagine on how this is possible with the complexity of the human voice. But the Japanese language has about just 48 distinct sounds. You combined these to make words. For an example, the word for thank you, "arigato", uses four sounds "a", "ri", "ga", and "to". With the simplicity of all these sounds, they can easily be put together in an order for the words and played along with a melody in notes. So throw in a character to be this voice, Miku Hastune, and enjoy the results.
Miku Hastune, "World is Mine"
Even a male character.
Kaito, "When I Get Home My Wife Pretends to Be Dead"
I hope you enjoyed a few of my favorite songs from around the world. There are a whole lot more I wish to share but discovering great music on your own is a rewarding and fun experience!
Have you ever fought with your friends and family with their different tastes in music? This band is the best or this singer is better? Perhaps or perhaps not. A lot of people usually stick with one genre of music that is usually only born in their language or country. However, I enjoy music from all over the world. Few people every venture off into new languages as far as music but they are so missing out! Each culture has a unique touch in their music and it is a pleasure to experience it first hand. Here are a few samples of the best music on earth.
Born and raised in roots of African American culture, these genres are by far a whole league of their own in style, rhythm and sound. I personally have a selection of favorites from this type of music.
Rap is a harsh, poetic revolution that allowed the Black people of America to have a voice of their own while suffering huge amounts of discrimination. It tells tales of suffering, survival and battling demons through the tough lives of many people in America. This genre has has not only supported those of African roots but everyone of any color embraced this genre. Eminem is a perfect example.
Although a lot of rap is about battles, partying and sex. I do find beautiful songs about raising awareness and sharing the love. This one is by the Black-eyed Peas.
Jazz and Blues are one of my favorite types of music to relax to. The melodies of a good saxophone puts me in a state of calm and soothes any troubles that the day brought.
This genre is one of my favorites. It's empowering and it gives me motivation to get through the day. But the best rock in the world isn't only from America. It's from Europe!
Britian: The Rolling Stones
This classic band is famous all over the world and I am proud to have them in my collection of tunes!
Britian: Dragonforce
Simply amazing guitar solos from Dragonforce. In fact, this is one of their shorter songs! They have amazing shreds of awesomeness that lasts beyond 10 minutes of music!
Germany: Rammstein
Deep, hard metal rock from Germany is absolutely exhilarating.
Ironically, a few decades ago techno was deemed as the nerd music, but today it is one of the most popular genres in the world. Take Lady Gaga for an example... She is probably America's Tehcno Queen as Michael Jackson was the King of Pop. But I don't think I can hand the best techno to Gaga... it just doesn't seem right.
Moldova/Romania: O-Zone
Sweden: Smile D.K.
Japan: Yuki Kimura
Alright! Here is a genre that took me some time to getting into. This music is from my favorite country, Japan. The awesomeness of this kind of music is almost too crazy to bare! Vocaloid is a type of music that uses completely electronically generated singing voices. It's hard to imagine on how this is possible with the complexity of the human voice. But the Japanese language has about just 48 distinct sounds. You combined these to make words. For an example, the word for thank you, "arigato", uses four sounds "a", "ri", "ga", and "to". With the simplicity of all these sounds, they can easily be put together in an order for the words and played along with a melody in notes. So throw in a character to be this voice, Miku Hastune, and enjoy the results.
Miku Hastune, "World is Mine"
Even a male character.
Kaito, "When I Get Home My Wife Pretends to Be Dead"
I hope you enjoyed a few of my favorite songs from around the world. There are a whole lot more I wish to share but discovering great music on your own is a rewarding and fun experience!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Drawing Challenge: Day 2
Day 2: Favorite Animal

Okay, so the giraffe isn't really my favorite animal. I just love animals in general so it is hard for me to choose. But I know that every time I go to the zoo I just can't wait to get to the giraffes for three reasons. One: You can feed the giraffes and their long crazy tongues are so funny!!! Two: They are just so interesting to look at. And three: GIRAFFES ARE HEARTLESS CREATURES!!!

LOL.... anyways. Here is how you say "giraffe" in different languages.
Japanese: キリン "kirin
French: girafeau
German: giraffe... lol
Spanish: jirafa
Chinese: 長頸鹿 Chángjǐnglù.... don't ask me how to pronounce that... (courtesy of Google Translate)
Pig Latin: Iraffe gay
Canadianese: giraffEH
Okay, so the giraffe isn't really my favorite animal. I just love animals in general so it is hard for me to choose. But I know that every time I go to the zoo I just can't wait to get to the giraffes for three reasons. One: You can feed the giraffes and their long crazy tongues are so funny!!! Two: They are just so interesting to look at. And three: GIRAFFES ARE HEARTLESS CREATURES!!!

LOL.... anyways. Here is how you say "giraffe" in different languages.
Japanese: キリン "kirin
French: girafeau
German: giraffe... lol
Spanish: jirafa
Chinese: 長頸鹿 Chángjǐnglù.... don't ask me how to pronounce that... (courtesy of Google Translate)
Pig Latin: Iraffe gay
Canadianese: giraffEH
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